What a ride!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 10:26 PM UTC

Today marks the 5th anniversary working for We4IT. This doesn’t seem to be a long time but, holy smokes, what happened during this period is freaking awesome.

This was the beginning of me working entirely from home - currently a big deal for most of us but not for me, I am used to it - and I really like it. It has so many advantages and there are no signs of isolation when you use the right tools to connect with your co-workers.

I'm still bleeding yellow, tasks and even customers didn’t change too much when I started my journey here.

The most impact I experienced was the access to the community on a personal level. Being able and also being encouraged to attend so many user group events during the years is still my favorite.

This opened so many doors that still migh be locked if I haven’t taken this opportunity.

It’s still mostly fun to work with the platform and our product - of course not always. I guess this is the mixture that you just call “work” and not “leisure time”, right?

However, I am looking forward to the future - I just hope that we all overcome the current crisis staying healthy and enjoy what’s to come.

Thank you all!

p.s.: this also marks my 20th anniversary working with Notes and Domino.

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