Dazed and confused - a clarification

Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 10:47 PM UTC

First things first: FP8 lead to various confusions. Either on existing systems due to installation problems, compilation issues or just general misunderstandings.

I admit I was wrong at one point. Once I installed FP8 I got so many error messages in my project files in Domino Designer and on the servers I messed up some package names.

Many thanks to Padraic Edwards for the heads-up on the Extlib thing I posted - I cite his answer he gave me via Slack this evening here:

"Just in relation to the extlib part of your blog post. 901FP8 Extlib comprises all of the previous 17 OpenNTF releases. The version number for 901FP8 IBM supported Extlib is v08_00. The library name is still "com.ibm.xsp.extlib.library" and has not changed for either OpenNTF or IBM supported Extlib. We will be releasing an OpenNTF version of the Extlib and it will match closely what was in 901FP8, it will be versioned v08_01.
"org.openntf.domino.xsp.XspLibrary" refers to the OpenNTF Domino API project library to be clear. I have just downloaded ODA 3.2.0 and don't see it conflicting with Extlib FP8 and therefore don't see anything failing as such."

I can confirm that. ODA 3.2.0 loads on FP8 servers and works well. There already is a ODA 3.2.0 which is adapted to FP8 - kudos to Jesse and Paul who made this happen!

I had troubles with some projects incorporating the OpenNTF Extlib v17 (referenced through the extension "com.ibm.xsp.extlib.library"). This lead me to the statement that the FP8-version overrides with a different name - which isn't true. The problem was the ODA plugin not being loaded. So if you are using the Extlib either from the core product or OpenNTF everything will keep working. If you have problems during the provisioning of plugins during HTTP booting up then you want to check if the plugins are read correctly via the update site (if you are using it). If you load plugins directly by providing them as folders in your servers lib/ext folder then you should not run into this mess.

For me it was an update site NSF that just had unsigned documents which held the OpenNTF Domino API stuff - totally unrelated to FP8.

Sorry for confusing you in this case.

Also a big shoutout to Martin Donnelly who clarifies other aspects and helps you to "survive" FP8 for existing projects in your DDE workspace. I totally forgot this option.

I appreciate the work of the guys from IBM and even more I appreciate the direct feedback and contact to us, the users!

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