Exactly 7 months ago I released my private project called "FileSilo" on OpenNTF. Until now it was downloaded 582 times (this an average of 83/month!) which is - at least for me - a huge success! I never thought that this little application which I just designed for my own needs would become such a popular tool!
This is the time to say
for trying it - and maybe for successfully using it in your own environments. I always appreciate any discussion and feature request to this as I permanently want to improve the user experience and functionality.
I am using it for my homepage download area and my company uses it twice for providing a general area to share files and for a special customer to exchange data of all kind.
As the downloads are close to reach the 600 I will release FileSilo "Next" soon - this will be version 2.0.0 and this will be using the Bootstrap4XPages plugin entirely. I just added some tweaks to it (CSS) and committed them to GitHub - if you want to get the latest "nightly" build of it.
Feel free to contribute, discuss and "talk" to me to evolve this little app!